What Makes Someone A Good Candidate for SMILE®?

woman smiling

Laser surgery to correct refractive errors is a great way to improve your vision. Patients can address problems, like nearsightedness, that have been affecting their daily activities for years. While LASIK has become a household name for many, it may not be ideal. SMILE is a LASIK alternative that produces fewer side effects and great results.

So, what is SMILE laser eye surgery, and are you a candidate for this procedure? Board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Young H. Choi can review your options during a consultation near Birmingham, AL. The professionals at Young H. Choi, M.D. Eye Surgery Center are experts in knowing which treatments work best for your individual needs.

What is SMILE laser eye surgery?

Sometimes, people struggle while watching their favorite TV shows or reading road signs while driving. If you have trouble seeing things clearly far away, you may have a common condition called myopia, or nearsightedness. SMILE vision correction is quickly becoming one of the most popular treatments for treating myopia.

So, what is SMILE laser eye surgery? Unlike traditional LASIK, SMILE does not require creating a flap in the corneal tissue. Instead, an advanced computer-guided laser is used to create a small incision and remove a piece of corneal tissue. This is what reshapes the cornea and ultimately corrects your vision problems. Because the flap is not created, recovery from SMILE is less extensive and more comfortable.

Disqualifiers from SMILE

Even though SMILE is considered minimally invasive, there are risks and complications associated with surgery. This is why the initial examination and consultation are so important. Young H. Choi, M.D. Eye Surgery Center can assess your current prescription and ask about any eye diseases you may have. Patients with an active infection or other issues need to have these resolved before getting SMILE laser eye surgery.

Patients with nearsightedness are the best candidates for SMILE at this time. If you have farsightedness or certain kinds of astigmatism, you may benefit from other refractive procedures. Other common disqualifiers from SMILE in Birmingham, AL, include:

  • Thin corneas

  • Nursing or pregnancy

  • Farsightedness in the form of presbyopia or hyperopia

  • A prescription that has changed in the last year

  • A health condition that affects your ability to heal

  • Previous laser eye surgery

Is SMILE safe?

Studies have shown that patients who have SMILE laser eye surgery can expect safe outcomes as long as they are cleared as qualified candidates before the procedure. This treatment has a proven track record for success in individuals who would like to lessen their dependency on visual aids, like glasses or contacts. And because no flap is required during surgery, patients experience fewer risks and complications.

Get SMILE vision correction

Equipped with the latest tools and technologies, Young H. Choi, M.D. Eye Surgery Center is the preferred center for vision correction near Birmingham, AL. Our clinic understands that moving forward with any kind of surgery can be intimidating, which is why we walk you through the process in detail. Schedule a SMILE consultation with Dr. Young H. Choi today. We want to achieve your ideal vision in the safest and most effective way possible.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.